Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Woman's Choice

Kimberly Richardson, 25, died last Saturday night.  She was ambushed and shot behind the Raleigh, NC mall where she worked.  Kimberly was six months pregnant and the doctors were able to deliver her daughter by cesarean section before she died.  Her boyfriend, Daniel Steele was arrested and charged with her murder.  Her daughter lies in a neonatal intensive care hospital fighting for her life.

This story rises to the level of Shakespeare in tragic proportions, yet it isn't unique or even rare.  Reading the news week after week will reveal a common trend of men attacking their pregnant girlfriends in an effort to prevent their delivering the babies they are carrying.  One can also read stories of men slipping abortifacient drugs surreptitiously to the women with whom they previously whispered tender words and caressed.  This trend is natural in a society which has abandoned all pretense of following Christian precepts.

Pre Christian societies were the world of lousy men.  Women were treated slightly better than the barn animals.  Their utility to men were of domestic servitude and, of course, the obvious charms.  Beyond that, they were disposable.  It was Christ who taught that women possess a high dignity and that it is a grave sin to abuse them.  Elevating the woman's dignity raised the character of men.  That is why His commandments prohibit sexual relations until a permanent marriage is solemnised.  He also ratified an equal dignity to babies and children.  To kill the smallest of our people is a crime which merits special condemnation and punishments.  In the teachings of Christ, a woman meets a man and withholds her physical pleasures until he promises to love her, care for her and her children for the rest of their lives.  From that pledge of fidelity comes children who are loved by both of their parents.  It is the earthly imitation of the Holy Trinity, man - woman - child - family, one unit, one heart.

Our first step away from this ideal was the universal acceptance of civil divorce and re-marriage.  This is in opposition to Christ's command that marriage is permanent, only severed by the death of one spouse.  Once married, always married!  This is the basis of a woman's confidence in allowing a man to come to her.  Once pregnant, always a mother!  The idea of allowing divorce is simply a shell game to con a woman into sex and leaving her flat later.  In truth, if one civilly divorces his spouse and attempts to marry another, he commits adultery.  In the end, there will be hell to pay.

The second step down to the mire was the universal acceptance of contraception.  With contraception we tried to eliminate the possibility of pregnancy, thus we no longer need to even go through the messy marriage and divorce thing which lead us to universal acceptance of sex outside of marriage.  Contraception is another con to lure women to bed without a permanent commitment.  Use of contraception by anyone, for any reason, rebels against Christ and will only result in heartache and condemnation.

The third step down is truly diabolical, abortion.  How in hell can ANYONE argue this as a good?!  It is sickening to listen to politicians, women's advocates and such arguing that abortion is good for women.  Again, this is only about abusing women, sleeping with them without consequence.  The nasty word "Abortion" is hidden in the euphemism "Choice".  Any euphemism is a lie.  There is no choice.  That abortion is available in our society means that a woman, even though she be personally against the idea, will find herself being pushed into the clinic with threats of all her support structures being pulled away otherwise.  The man has conned her again!  Worse, now another person is murdered.  This action, if not repented of, will lead to damnation as well.

Now here we are at the low point where men are attacking and murdering women with whom they have slept.  Lust always leads to murder, so we shouldn't be surprised.

We must climb out of this moral pig sty.  We can do this only by making the true and proper choices and rejecting the false ones.  Each gender must make the choice to follow Christ.  Women, choose to hold yourself to a high standard.  Love Christ first.  Make a man earn your trust, love and fidelity.  Do not associate with men of base character.  They will be easy to spot.  Men, same for you.  Choose to be of a high character.  Seek Christ firstly, then you will meet the right woman.  Do not self encourage sexual temptations through pornography, movies, internet.  Do not masturbate.  These are sins which kill the soul.  Commit yourself to the ideals of honor, charity and faith.  When you ask a woman to marry mean it until your last breath!  The joys of such a marriage cannot be described.

The key to true and lasting happiness is Christ.  In the end, He is all that matters.  The whole of human history is a tapestry woven by men and women, each making their individual way to heaven or hell.  Choose heaven and experience a foretaste of it here.  Save sex for a Christian marriage.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Religious Freedom

There has been a lot of furor over Indiana's Religious Freedom Act.  It isn't surprising since the motivation to write the law was to try to bring some sanity to the hysterics surrounding the gay rights movement which is barreling through our civil arena like a runaway freight train.  The law was never intended to sanction unrestricted commercial discrimination against openly gay people.  It was intended to protect Christian people.  "Protect them from what!?" is the usual reply.

The disconnect lies in philosophies.  The gay friendly philosophy assigns the individual as his own lord and master and there is no moral authority above him.  Through this outlook he is allowed to go where he pleases and do what he wishes and that obviously includes within his sexual sphere.  Since he can only see in the one dimensional earthly plane, he has no fear of the sacred or of higher obligations.  Thus, it can only be through unfair discrimination, an internal decision of the offender, that commercial service could be refused.  That, of course, cannot be tolerated.  On the other hand, since there is no higher authority, there is no reason such a person could not be persuaded, by force, into a more tolerant position.  So now we have the media war over the Indiana law which swirled around the pizzeria, a small business.

The Christian philosophy certainly holds that there is a higher authority, God almighty.  God has taught through scripture and His Church that the gay lifestyle is gravely evil and can only result in the eternal spiritual death of anyone who engages in these acts.  Before I am accused of being a homophobe, I need to add that any sexual activity outside of a church approved marriage is gravely evil and carries the same penalties.  And here is the pivot point of the whole argument.  What is a marriage?  A marriage is a union of a male husband and a female wife which was solemnly approved by the Church who is the steward in these matters for God.  The marriage sacrament is defined by God and administered by the Church.  There is no other authority which can redefine any part of it.  This summer the Supreme Court of the United States will issue a ruling on the constitutionality of state laws which prohibit same sex marriage.  I expect that they will strike down all such laws and that the civil right of same sex couples to marry will be universally recognized in the United States.  The huge problem lies in the fact that the Supreme Court has no such authority.  It will still be a grave evil and add to that the sacrilege of various churches "celebrating" such unions.  These are grave sins and there will be hell to pay.

Clown judges lead souls to hell.

That brings us to the shop owner's moral catch-22.  Let's use the Indiana pizzeria's owners as an example.  If an openly gay couple strolls into their pizzeria and orders a large pizza, there is no problem and there is no discrimination.  Indeed, I will fight anyone over their right to engage in any lawful commerce.  The problem rises when they ask the pizzeria to cater their wedding.  This is something no good Christian could do because the wedding itself is sacrilege and seriously offends God.  No one expects the pizzeria owners to cater to a bank robbery.  The Religious Freedom Act was an attempt to protect those shop owners who in good conscious could not ever support the travesty of a same sex "marriage'.  Shop owners around the country have been losing their livelihoods over this very issue.  Any shop who routinely does wedding related business has been feeling this heat.  As for forcing them into a more tolerant attitude, one would be foolish to try, because in the end it is a simple decision to surrender the business and home in order to save one's eternal life.  That is why the law was written and that is why we will never have civil peace as long as our people fail to turn back to God and surrender these morally evil philosophies.

Follow Christ!  Live His commandments.  He will show you the way to peace.