Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gun Safety At Work

In spite of great gains in the right-to-carry laws in so many states, we all remain universally disarmed in our work places. Virginia Beach is the latest tragedy resulting from these workplace "gunfree" zones. In spite of security cameras, ID badges which restricted access, employee background checks, and signs threatening dire consequences if anyone brought a gun to work, many innocent people died, some of whom sincerely wished to be able to exercise their constitutional right to protect themselves while making a living. What is it about having a job that suspends a basic right of defending one's life?
There are three kinds of people who see the prohibition sign.
The first doesn't have guns, doesn't want guns, and would never hurt anyone. They are so peaceful that they can not imagine anyone ever needing a gun. For this person, the sign is a source of comfort, as they imagine everybody respecting it and it makes their world safe and fuzzy. In this case, the sign has had zero effect on the safety of the group.
The second person carries guns everywhere he/she is allowed. This person knows that there are psychopaths out here who kill for little or no reason. This person also, would never attack or hurt anyone. They are, however, ready to use deadly force in self defense and in the defense of others. This person is very responsible, holding a job, paying his/her bills, maintaining a life and civil order. The sign and its punitive threats effect this person profoundly. With bitter regret, this person obeys, because he/she is responsible! His/her good nature is the leverage used to insure compliance, and the safety of the group is significantly lessened.
The third is everyone's worse nightmare. This maniac is completely unaffected by the sign. He has already cashed in his job, his possessions, his freedom, and even his life. There is nothing that this sign can do to him that he hasn't already decided to inflict many folds upon his perceived enemies, and he has nothing to lose. In fact, this person receives satisfaction from the sign, for it guaranties to him the monopoly of firepower, thus a greater victim count. THAT'S WHY HE PICKED THAT PLACE! Here is where the sign actually destroys the safety of the group.

As for the comforting security cameras, do you know what they are for? They are to help the investigators to see where the murderer came in and what he did, while they are cleaning up the the crime scene after the carnage is over.
We must insist on our right of self defense, even at work.

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