Sunday, February 12, 2012

Coming Soon! To A Neighborhood Near You!

Reading my previous postings here, will quickly reveal my dilemma in the wake of the Obama-care provision that our insurance carriers provide contraception, abortion and other evil services to any woman who requests such services, regardless of who she works for.  The conscience clause is a farce from the word "go".  If we pay the money in, it will be used for such services.  Period.  My dilemma centered on our proper response to this attack on the moral fiber of our country.  I made the point that if it is illicit for Catholic institutions to contribute funds to the insurance pool, then it is illicit for individual Catholics, of good character, to contribute as well.  I prayed and waited for God to tell me the right and wrong of this.  Today, I got my answer.

Today in church we heard the parable of the seeds being sown around the different grounds. (Luke 8:5)  The seeds are the Word of God.  Those of us who go to Mass, work our jobs responsibly and strive to do God’s will every day are either the seeds in the thorns or the seeds on good ground.  This health care assault is designed to capture an entire health industry.  This mandate forces us to fund evil practices that were simply “legal” before and will now be pushed, foisted and imposed upon our people.  We have moved from an unsettled co-existence with evil to working in evil's factory.   This is just the first step.  I predict that the next thing we will hear about these “services” is that every licensed hospital in the country, which has a single dollar of federal money, will be forced to actually do these abortions, doctor’s conscience be damned.  That’s right, an abortion center in every neighborhood!  Now is the time for good men to do something!  The cares of this world are the thorns that choke off our love of Jesus.  If we settle for this manifest evil without fighting back, we will smother our spirits with these thorns of Obama.  Jesus asked Peter three times if Peter loved Him.  Three times when Peter affirmed his love Jesus told him to feed his lambs. (John 21:15)  It is our turn to show our love for Jesus with action and faith.  We must drop our participation in health care insurance and demand the repeal of Obama-care entirely.  May God have mercy on our nation.


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